Sunday, June 2, 2019
Japanese colonialism :: essays research papers
Itis interesting to find that only some politicaleconomists underscore the fact that Nipponese colonialismin Korea played a large part in the development of ahigh-growth economy. In both readings we get to seethat Japanese colonialism greatly differed from Europeancolonialism. In one way, this is because Europeancolonialism rarely introduced heavy industry into theeconomy, or even pushed the economy with such a heavyhand. As well, Japan left Korea with a relatively highlevel of industrialization, not something we commonlysee with European colonialism. In Kohlis article we seethat Japan came into Korea at the very(prenominal) beginning of itscolonial rule and transformed the state, not just whencreating speedy economic growth. I liked this articlein that Kohli took a very systematic approach to writingit, noting the m all steps it took for Korea toindustrialize, as well as noting extensively the extentto which Japan played a role. Bruce Cumings articlewas incompatible in that it looked more towards Japan,Taiwan, and Korea. In his article, he not only looks atJapan as a colonizer, but also an industrializer. Ithink that in both of the readings, it is amazing thateach of the countries examined were able toindustrialize so quickly. Northeast Asia industrializedin only decades, whereas its taken the rest of theworld centuries to do the same. In response to this, itis important to note the argument around the statesrole in economic development, what Atul Kohli says is"the extent to which state intervention was marketconforming versus market distorting or, to use arelated post of concepts, the extent to which the stateled rather than followed the market." In eacharticle we see what factors went into each countryseconomic development. It is interesting to note thatJapanese colonial governments were fairly cutting inruling its colonies, but despite this, its subjectscontinued to work hard and obey. The stronghold Japanhave over Korea was immense. Even wea lthy landowners,the Yangban elite, were controlled by the state, and anypolitical organizations and national movements thatthreatened the authoritarian state were squashed. Possible the fact that both Korea and Taiwan, as well asJapan, were fairly small countries amounted forsomething when struggling to industrialize late. Kohlisuggests that land area might well be a factor insuccessful colonization. This is, he says, is one ofthe reasons for the lack of problems the Japanese had inestablishing laterality between the center in Seoul andthe periphery. In Bruce Cumings article he illustratesthat Korea and Taiwan became "receptacles for decliningJapanese industries." It is still interesting to seethat Korea and Taiwan managed to industrialize so fast
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